Training Opportunities
What We Do
BreakTurn partners with a number of training partners across the US. For flight training, whether you are starting at the very beginning with your PPL or if you need ATP-CTP or anything in between, we have a partner who can help with that. For maintenance training, we have partners who can help you with your A&P certification as well as the full A&P course.

How it Works
Once you decide which school you’d like to complete your training with, you’ll be working simultaneously with the school and BreakTurn. BreakTurn manages all of your CSP/SkillBridge paperwork. We’ll send you a SkillBridge Acceptance Form to complete. Once you’ve completed that, we’ll provide you with your offer letter and any other paperwork you need to submit for approval.
In the meantime, you’ll also be working directly with your selected school. You’ll complete all of their standard enrollment and funding requirements, including verifying VA eligibility, to ensure you are ready for your class start. Once your CSP/SkillBridge is approved, we’ll notify the school and you’ll be all set.
Let’s get started!
Know which partner you want to train with on SkillBridge?
Complete this form and we’ll get your paperwork started.
Set up a call with one of our counselors.